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Teddy Siegel created the TikTok account @got2gonyc to share free NYC bathrooms in July 2021. Since then, she has reached millions with her videos and has built a community of half a million followers across social media platforms TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Threads


Teddy frequently works with Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine and members of New York City Council. Her advocacy and support played an integral role in the passing of Intro 258 ('The Bathroom Bill'). She is currently helping MBP Levine with the campaign for the two additional 'Bathroom Bills' that were introduced in Spring 2023.


She has learned from her followers that the lack of accessible and sanitary bathrooms in NYC is not only a public health issue, but an equity crisis. Teddy uses her platform to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion through documenting hardships faced by fellow New Yorkers & tourists due to the lack of NYC bathrooms. 


See her blog for their testimonials.

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changing NYC one
bathroom at a time

"Need to Find a Bathroom in New York City? Try TikTok."
- The New York Times

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